
Gaddam receives AHA career development award

Ravinder Reddy Gaddam, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Vikram Lab, received a three-year, $231,000 Career Development Award from the American Heart Association (AHA).

Faraci leads international network of researchers on cerebral small vessel disease

Frank Faraci, PhD, professor in Cardiovascular Medicine and of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, has been tapped to co-lead an international research network by the Leducq Foundation.

McLendon to examine protein protectiveness against Alzheimer’s

Jared McLendon, PhD, associate in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, has received a three-year, $175,000 grant from the Alzheimer’s Association examining the molecular significance of Sorbs2 in Alzheimer’s disease.

Gene therapy reduces heart failure in mice

Four years ago, UI scientist Long-Sheng Song, MD, made an unexpected discovery, which he thought might form the basis for a new gene therapy treatment for heart failure. In his latest study, he shows that the approach does work in mice, protecting the animals from heart failure due to cardiac stress.

Exercise inspired pacing intervention protects hearts from injury.

Artificially stimulating heart rate protects the heart from injury, reproducing a key benefit of exercise, according to a new University of Iowa study.